20 November 2011

Metro Mania

I officially have my first week of work behind me.  It was busy!  In-processing is done (mostly).  I have a couple of things left to do for my online training and an official orientation in a few weeks but all the running around and other appointments are done.  I was able to spend the week getting to know a new Captain that will be joining us as a nurse.  She just finished a Masters to RN program and this is her first nursing job.  She has 22 years in the Army already in logistics so she was full of stories and information.  We got along great and I'm excited to work with her in the future.

My household goods came on Friday!  Movers were here for about 3-4 hours unloading everything and now my apartment that went from empty with not even a chair to sit on or a bed to sleep on, is overflowing with boxes!  I'm not even close to having everything out and organized yet but I've made some good progress!  No pictures yet, it's a mess, but I will once I get everything put away...there isn't much storage in the apt so I have to be creative.  I have off all this coming week so I should be able to get the majority of that done. 

I would have gotten more done over the weekend but my friend, Ross, her boyfriend, and I took our first metro trip yesterday to the big city!  We were told about some shortcuts to the metro station so we tried to take those right away and ended up going the wrong way a couple of times, but now we know where to go so next time should be pretty easy.  We got on the Red Line at the Twinbrook Station which is less than a mile from our apartment and rode it to Metro Station, where we switched to the Orange Line and rode that to the Smithsonian Station.  The whole trip took about an hour, not too bad.  When we emerged from the metro station we were right in the middle of the National Mall!  Our first stop was the National Air and Space Museum and it was really cool.  We didn't spend a ton of time stopping to read everything because we all know we will be back later with family and friends. 

 (This plane was on skis!  How cool is that?!)
(Some of the rockets in the NASA section)

 (Early flight-The Wright Bros)
(This Spirit of St. Louis!)

We were there about 3 hours and then we moved on to the National Botanical Gardens.  They were much smaller than I was expecting but very cool.  I can't wait to go back there with my good camera and spend the afternoon! 

 (Took this one with my new iPhone...not too bad!)
 (They had miniatures of all the monuments)
(Getting ready for Christmas!)

Our last museum stop for the day was the National Museum of the American Indian.  Not something I'm very interested in but it was neat to see.  They were celebrating Chilean Indians while we were there and had a dancing demonstration that was cool to see. 
 (This was outside the entrance to the museum)
(Some flags of American Indian tribes)

We wandered around there for a couple of hours and then left to walk to the Eastern Market.  It's a flea market/farmers market that is about a mile away from the National Mall.  First we stopped to take pictures of the Capitol...

 (Standing in front of the Capitol!)
(View from the side as we were walking)

We headed that direction because we were meeting up with Ross' old roommate from BOLC who lives in DC.  We found her at a place called the Banana Cafe.  They had great food and drinks and a live piano player.  It wasn't very crowded, I guess people don't start coming out until about 10 in the city which was fine with us because we wanted to make sure we were home by then!  After dinner, we headed to the nearest metro station and came back.  It was a long day but really fun and I can't wait to go back to the city to see more stuff!  The metro is really easy to navigate, now that we have it figured out we're going to start riding it to work everyday.  Should be a pretty short commute, less than 10 minutes. 

I got more unpacking done today but was interrupted by the Packer game.  We went to a bar nearby to watch the game, it was rough but we pulled it out! 
Ok, I'll post again once my apartment is all unpacked and put together!

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